Houseplants for Bad Gardeners
18 Houseplants for Bad Gardeners
I am not afraid to tell you that I am not all that gifted when it comes to raising plants. I have managed to keep 6 plants alive over the last 2 years and that really was quite a feat. Dale, on the other hand, has green hands and could make something mostly dead come back to life. I'm still hoping some of that will rub off on me. But in case it doesn't, I'll have to rely on articles like the one above to help me out. My mom has commented that some of the plants can be tricky, like spider plants and African violets (I have NEVER thought of these as being easy in any way) and I don't think bromeliads should necessarily be included because they can be finicky as well, but there are a few in there which would survive at home with me.
In case you're wondering, the plants I've managed to keep alive are a ficus tree, a papyrus (a plant which cannot be over-watered, no matter how much you give it), an olive tree, a corn plant, something unknown and a poinsettia (which is on its last leg these days).