Thursday, July 19, 2007

What's going on in your Yard?

Hi folks!

It's definitely summer here in East Texas. The rains although welcome have caused major flooding in certain areas of our great state. Seems that developers of every kind, commercial, residential and highways, have forgottten that the more concrete you put on the ground, the less ground is available for water absorption.

Years ago, the Corp of Engineers would dredge out rivers and other waterways due to the constant flow of soil into those tributaries but that doesn't seem to happen anymore. So therefore the lakes and rivers overflow their banks much more often. We have to dredge our own small creek and under our bridge once in a while so you can only imagine how much a larger creek or river accumulates over years of rain.

I am not going to get on the band wagon with Mr. Gore with his Global Warming program or the Green Earth surge. Each one of us has a responsibility to do his or her share right in their own little piece of the world.

At this point, I am basically a homesteader after living in a corporate world most of my adult life. My home was in a Master-Planned community with a manicured yard and cookie-cutter house. My ultimate goal now is to have a totally self-sufficient small farm complete with solar and wind power.

I garden, have a rain barrel and make compost. I also can fruit and vegetables, love to cook and share recipes. I mow my own yard and propogate everything I can get my hands on. Although I live a meager existence compared to my former life, it is absolute bliss.

What's going on in your own backyard or kitchen? If you have suggestions, questions or need help, I'd love to hear from you, no matter what your world may be. In the meantime, I'll continue to post information from the various sources I use and hope that you will enjoy!


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