Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"DO WHAT...?"

Being a MAC "middle aged chic" a name coined by fellow blogger "Punchy" on her blog "Lucchese to Louis Vuitton", requires much time and maintenance...especially after menopause.

I am bombarded with what to eat, what not to eat and tests for my tests to determine what hormones are working and what effect they have on my overall health. So far nothing seems to be working to my benefit. Where's Dr. Phil when you need him?

I walk everyday due to the fact that I live on 11 ac and am building a house...just hubby and me doing the work. I have always been very careful with food content watching carefully the fat, salt and sugar intake. (No, I don't mean I watch it as it passes from fork to mouth either!)

Being a Texas gal, it's difficult to eliminate the Texican foods that are fried and slathered with cheese and/or sauces but I've adapted.

I've been using Splenda for over a year now to cut down on calories ... it is derived from real sugar cane. I just can't get away from sweetened iced tea or that freshly brewed cup of coffee in the a.m. Mama don't take my caffiene away!

Now, much to my dismay...yet another naysayer report has come out with information regarding sugar substitutes which poses the question:

Can Sugar Substitutes Make You Fat?

Click on the link for the whole story!

This leads me to say "DO WHAT...?"

Have a good one...with or without sugar substitutes! At this point, I'm thinking forget about replanting the tree farm...let's grow STEVIA!!


1 comment:

Meg said...

Hey ya'll! It's Punchy! Just stopped by to say hello and to try and subscribe...again...I changed my layout and lost everything, so now I am adding you to my blogroll again and subscribing to both of yours too!

Hope you are fabulous, and Happy St. Patty's Day!