Thursday, May 29, 2008


Howdy Ya'll!

This morning our Congressman, Louie Gohmert, (R) Texas, made an appearance on our local television stations to address the high gas prices and oil dependency issues. He endorsed AMERICAN SOLUTIONS as a source for all of us to become aware of the situation at hand and take action.

Their program 'DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW, PAY LESS' has a petition to sign (which is free.) You may of course make a $10.00 contribution if you wish but is not required. You may also sign up for an email newsletter for updates.

It might be worth your while to take a look, so I'm passing it along.

AMERICAN SOLUTIONS basically says:

'As gas prices continue to increase, Congress continues to blame others while ignoring practical steps to stop the pain Americans are feeling at the pump. To lower gasoline prices and reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we need real solutions to our energy challenges.'


Research from the Platform of the American People

73% of the American people agree that with appropriate safeguards to protect the environment, we should drill for oil off America's coasts to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Read more tri-partisan solutions in the Platform of the American People:

Energy and the Environment

Oil and National Security

Overview of the research data

1 comment:

Paul Zannucci said...

I am going to create a blogroll (in HTML so the search engines will read it) of the sites listed and distribute it to interested sites. You’ll be able to just copy and paste it into a widget or blogger element.

If you would like to be included in the blogroll, just email me at By creating this roll, we not only support each other’s sites, but we add strength to the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less cause. When/if that program comes to an end, we can either move to supporting American Solutions in general, find another cause, disband, or whatever.

Thanks, and let me know if you’d like to be included. Sites listed on American Solutions that do not email me will not be included.

Paul Zannucci